
Azerbaijan, the only Muslim country in the world that supports Israel’s war efforts against terror organization Hamas.

Azerbaijan’s leadership and street support Israel’s war efforts against Hamas. Fuel supplies and flights were not stopped, and pro-Israeli displays and articles were published in the press.

Azerbaijanis demonstrated solidarity with Israel, lit memorial candles, waved Israeli flags and placed flowers at the entrance of the location of the Israeli Embassy in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Recently Azerbaijan’s security services foiled a terrorist attack against the Israeli embassy in Baku and arrested an Iranian terrorist who was on his way to carry out the attack.

Demonstrations and support of the citizens of Azerbaijan in Capital Baku, (Video: Nika Jabiyeva, and Israel Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mr. George Deek)

While anti-Israel protesters marched the streets of the United States and Europe’s countries, none were held in Baku, Azerbaijan, a majority Shia Muslim country.

Make no mistake, the Azerbaijanis are greatly saddened by the civilian suffering in this conflict. However, they are not taking a biased stance against Israel.

This is what makes them different from other governments around the world. For this reason, Israel values and cherishes this friendship.

Other countries should follow Azerbaijan’s example of fair-mindedness.

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